Saturday, April 3, 2010


At the heart of medicine lies the proposition "everything in moderation." A core premise of every aspect of practice, from pharmacology to preventative medicine, homeostasis (our fancy word for balance) is what keeps you going.

Excess is the enemy, a destabilizing force that introduces openings for all of our natural enemies. Even natural acts like sex can be intrinsically damaging (beyond the potential for spread of disease). Honeymoon cystitis is a bladder infection induced by bruising damage to the bladder from repeated or forceful sex. Yes. We named it honeymoon cystitis.

These days, the honeymoon isn't actually the main source of this cystitis. As times changed, and the honeymoon and loss of virginity have diverged, a more experienced population has managed to avoid the pratfalls of their elders. But the name has stuck, an institutionalized giggle at the expense of a population that is enjoying themselves far too much.

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